Friday, February 18, 2011


You either love it or hate it.

As I'm writing this now I'm being exposed to the useless (and quite simply annoying) Twilight series. For those that don't know Twilight is originally a best selling book about a love story between a human girl and a lifeless vampire (oh and a so called 'hot' werewolf boy)

What really annoys me is the back and forth love story. "I love him, no now I love him, wait now I love him", for crying out loud MAKE UP YOUR MIND! Choose one and stick to it, what is so hard about it?

Of course the women reading this have already unsubscribed and the men are inches close to subscribing but here me out. Of course a little love story is alright but not when it drags on for hours on end. What can be so hard about choosing honestly?

Let me know what you think, give us a yell. Catch you later.

Keep it Banging,


